What your hair can tell you about your health

 Hair Texture Changes:  Changes in the texture of your hair, such as becoming brittle or dry, can indicate         

Hair Loss:  Significant hair loss could be a sign of various health issues, including hormonal imbalances,           

 Hair Color Changes:  Premature graying or changes in hair color can sometimes be attributed to genetics      

Scalp Conditions:  Conditions like dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, or psoriasis can indicate an imbalance                                     

 Hair Thinning:  Gradual thinning of hair, especially in women, can be a sign of hormonal imbalances                              

 Hair Breakage:  Excessive breakage or split ends can result from overexposure to heat, harsh chemicals

 Hair Growth Rate:  Changes in the rate of hair growth can sometimes indicate underlying health issues     

 Hair Texture and Porosity:  Changes in the porosity or elasticity of your hair can be related to nutrient           

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