8 Things Primary Care Doctors Wish You'd Stop Doing at Your Checkups

Lying About Lifestyle Habits

Doctors need accurate information to provide the best care. Be honest about your diet, exercise, smoking, and alcohol consumption.

Not Taking Medications as Prescribed

If you’ve stopped taking a medication or didn’t follow the prescription instructions, tell your doctor. They need to know to adjust your treatment plan accordingly.

Bringing Children to Adult Appointments

Unless the appointment is specifically for a family check-up, try to arrange childcare. Children can be distracting, making it harder for you and the doctor to focus.

Interrupting or Talking Over the Doctor

Let the doctor complete their questions and explanations. Interruptions can disrupt the flow of the appointment and lead to missed information.

Being Unclear About Pain Levels

Be specific about the intensity, location, and nature of any pain. Vague descriptions can make it harder for doctors to diagnose and treat your condition.

Not Updating Personal Information

Keep your contact information, insurance details, and medical history up to date. Accurate information is essential for effective care.

Expecting Instant Solutions

Some health issues require time to diagnose and treat. Be patient and understand that some conditions need ongoing management rather than immediate solutions.

Skipping Follow-Up Appointments

Follow-up appointments are important for monitoring your progress and making necessary adjustments to your treatment plan. Don’t skip them.

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