Moringa oleifera, commonly known as “drumstick,” is native to India. Its fruit pods, flowers, and leaves.
Moringa oil is rich in antioxidants and has antibacterial effects. It is widely used in topical creams.
Animal studies found moringa oil to help manage inflammatory and hyperproliferative skin issues.
Vitamin A regulates sebumi production. Dietary vitamin A helps maintain the hair follicles’.
Insulin resistancei and other metabolic syndromes can cause androgenic alopecia or female pattern hair loss.
Moringa leaves are rich in vitamin E. A study found that this antioxidant could improve hair growth.
Avocados are an excellent base for any DIY hair mask and are said to moisturize the hair.
Use moringa essential oil for topical application. You can mix it with any carrier oil, preferably virgin coconut oil.
You can extract the juice from moringa leaves and use it on your scalp for hair benefits.
You can take moringa supplements that are available in powder and capsule forms.