Always protect your hair from the sun, wind, and rain. Exposure to excessive sun, heat, dirt, and pollution.
Use a moisturizing conditioner after every wash. Missing this step could be the reason your hair.
Choose a shampoo and conditioner from the same line as they have a similar formulation.
Avoid using heat on your hair. Heat strips the moisture content from your hair, making it dry and frizzy.
Avoid using super tight hair ties. Instead, opt for scrunchies with cloth around them.
Oil your hair as frequently as you can, and use a gentle shampoo to get rid of the oil.
The healthier you are, the better your hair looks. Certain nutrients, like hair vitamins, iron, and proteins.
Avoid using too many hair health products. While there are certain products you may need to use, like shampoo.
Regular trims are important for maintaining healthy hair. Trimming removes split ends.
Sleeping on satin pillow covers is known to reduce hair breakage due to friction.